Guided Analysis Workshop
A focused multi-day event designed to help an organization
understand how DFMA®
can apply to its business. Cost reduction activity on
existing products, cost avoidance for projects in new product
development, even competitive intelligence projects are all
suitable candidate projects for our Guided Analysis Workshop.
The application of DFMA® in this workshop is focused
on your products. A typical agenda is shown below but can
be tailored to suit your individual needs and project(s).
- Introductions and discussion of DFMA® project
- Brief overview of DFMA®
- Analysis of your product using the DFMA®
- Review software output to understand where opportunities
exist in the product
- Group ideas by perceived risk and incorporate into risk
adjusted re-design concepts
- Model risk adjusted re-design concepts
- Use DFMA® to estimate manufacturing costs of
various re-design concepts
- Incorporate manufacturing cost information into re-design
models for an understanding of potential cost savings
- Generate software comparison reports to document cost
reductions and recommendations