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Miles Parker, Parker Group
+1 (401) 272-1510

Better Design is Key to Reviving U.S. Manufacturing

Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc., to Host 2009 International Forum on DFMA, June 9-10, in Providence, R.I.

WAKEFIELD, R.I., USA, April 23, 2009 – Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc., today announced it will host the twenty-fourth annual International Forum on Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA®), on June 9-10, 2009. The Forum, titled “Reviving Manufacturing through Better Design” will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Providence-Warwick, R.I., USA.

DFMA Forum speakers and panel discussion members will address bottom-line recession strategies and introduce newly available product efficiency technologies in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).

“The current crisis in the U.S. economy puts most manufacturers at a unique crossroads,” says John Gilligan, president of Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc. “They must keep launching innovative products to maintain revenue cycles, but they’re selling those products into declining, cost-conscious markets. Lower returns,” notes Gilligan, “stall future R&D funding, factory equipment upgrades and the efficiency improvements necessary to build a turnaround from the inside out.

“However,” says Gilligan, “one solid revival strategy is to concentrate existing resources on design practices that can dramatically influence the profits of the whole manufacturing organization from direct part costs, to factory throughput, shipping, service and end-of-life disposal. This year’s DFMA Forum will demonstrate the benefits of employing some of these practices.”

About the DFMA Forum

The Forum is the foremost conference worldwide on DFMA methodologies and software. DFMA structures team knowledge and guides early collaboration efforts to combine increased performance functionality and innovation with significant product cost reduction.

The Forum provides valuable insights to managers, strategists, and financial decision-makers, including product designers, manufacturing engineers, supply-chain managers and purchasing personnel. Papers offered this year cover topics such as Eco-design; web-based, interactive 3D assembly documentation; DFMA and OEM and supply-chain partnerships; cost engineering; and new 3D CAD technologies for streamlining design to manufacturing. In addition, a panel discussion will be held on “Reviving Manufacturing through Better Design.”

For information on the 2009 International DFMA Forum on Design for Manufacture and Assembly, and the upcoming May 7 DFMA webinar titled “Resurrecting U.S. Manufacturing using Systematic DFMA Deployment,” go to

International Forum on DFMA–Selected Papers

Systematic DFMA Deployment: It Just Could Resurrect US Manufacturing
Mike Shipulski

Great Designs – “Getting It Right . . . the 2nd Time”
Robert Williams
Creative Design Solutions

Got DFM/DFA? New 3D CAD Technologies Streamline Transition from Design to Manufacturing
Craig Therrien
Dassault Systèmes, SolidWorks Corporation

Cost Engineering with DFMA
Jason Lynn
Whirlpool Corporation

Project Based Approach for Teaching DFMA
Jennifer Hurley

A DFA study of MC55 Mid-Range Rugged Terminal
Dennis Abbate
Motorola Inc.

The Soft Stuff is the Hard Stuff: Deploying DFMA Successfully is the Challenge
Chris Tsai
Global Productivity, Inc.

Decision-making process for implementing DFMA in engineering department
Sam Mikhail
International Game Technology

Web-based, Interactive 3D Assembly Work Instructions
Garth Coleman
Dassault Systèmes, 3DVIA

Supply Chain Collaboration Using DFMA: A Supplier’s Perspective
Jim Hale
Aztalan Engineering

Eco-Design: Be Green, Be Competitive, Be Efficient
Mike Zepp
Dassault Systèmes, ENOVIA

DFMA 2009 and Design for Environment
Dr. Winston Knight
Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

About Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc., was the first company to commercialize Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) methodologies and software tools, which make it possible to evaluate, estimate, and reduce the manufacturing cost of a product in the design phase through product simplification and cost estimation. Hundreds of Fortune 1000 companies, including Dell, John Deere, Harley-Davidson, and Whirlpool, use DFMA to cut the costs of their manufactured products and achieve design innovation in their markets. The company was founded in 1983 and received the National Medal of Technology Award in 1991. For more information about DFMA software, workshops, consulting services, and international conferences, contact Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc., 138 Main Street, Wakefield, R.I. 02879, USA. Tel. (401) 783-5840. Fax (401) 783-6872. Web site: E-mail:

DFMA is a registered trademark of Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.


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