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Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc., to Host 2008 International Forum on DFMA, June 10-11, in Providence, R.I.

Editor Paul Teague of Purchasing magazine to give keynote address on how engineering and purchasing can work in partnership to make supply-chain negotiations more productive and profitable

WAKEFIELD, R.I., USA, March 31, 2008 – Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc., today announced it will host the twenty-third annual International Forum on Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA®), on June 10-11, 2008. The Forum titled “DFMA Today: Leading the Way to Results,” will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Providence-Warwick, R.I., USA.

The Forum is the foremost conference worldwide on DFMA methodologies and software. DFMA structures team knowledge and guides collaboration efforts vital to realizing design excellence and reducing product costs, providing early “should cost” estimates for manufacturing processes and materials and targeting opportunities for assembly part consolidation.

The Forum provides valuable insights to managers, strategists, and financial decision-makers, including product designers, manufacturing engineers, supply-chain managers and purchasing personnel. Papers offered this year cover topics such as lean accounting, rapid manufacture, DFMA and PLM, “win-win” supply-chain negotiations, and DFMA’s role in reducing downstream organization costs through design and process simplification.

A highlight of this year’s Forum is a keynote address on Tuesday, June 10, by Purchasing magazine editor-in-chief Paul Teague, winner of the prestigious Jesse H. Neal National Business Journalism Award.  In a talk titled “Partners in Design: How Purchasing and Engineering Connect for Breakthroughs in Product Development,” Teague will discuss how manufacturers can achieve success through innovation and early predictive costing instead of price negotiation late in development.

Also at the Forum, Nick Dewhurst, executive vice president of Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc., will review results of last year’s survey-roundtable that documented the power of DFMA to reduce operational costs. The survey contains information that helps manufacturers understand how early design strategies can improve profitability downstream in production, inventory and other “overhead” areas such as ERP and use of factory floor space.

Speakers at last year’s Forum reported millions of dollars saved in applying DFMA to their product development efforts. For information on those benchmarks see

For information on the DFMA survey-roundtable, “The Power of DFMA to Reduce Operational Costs,” go to

For more information on the 2008 International DFMA Forum on Design for Manufacture and Assembly, go to

2008 International Forum on DFMA–Papers

Keynote: Partners in Design: How Purchasing and Engineering Connect for Breakthroughs in Product Development
Paul Teague
Purchasing magazine

Helping Each Other Profit: When OEMs and Suppliers Collaborate to Achieve Design and Manufacturing Excellence
Mark E. Poirier
NH Precision Metal Fabricators, Inc.

The Role of DFMA Software and International Suppliers
Frank Long
Kulicke & Soffa Industries, Inc.

Integrating DFA Analysis into the New Product Development ODM Cycle within the Motorola Enterprise Mobility Business Unit
Andrew Mossholder and Chris Foley

DFMA in Manufacture of Low Volume and High Mix T&M Equipment
Toni Inserra and Jörg Richstein
LeCroy Corporation

Developing High-Performance Teams and Increased Predictability in New Product Development Efforts through DFMA
Ned O’Donovan
Gerber Scientific, Inc.

Introducing DFMA in the Genlyte Group
Alberto Forero
The Genlyte Group

Redesign of Forklift Hydraulic Cylinders
Matthew Miles
The Raymond Corporation

DFMA as a Collaboration Tool
Bill Devenish
Harris Corporation

Item Quality Process
Philip Alvaro
Harris Corporation

Why DFMA Efforts Fail
Mike Shipulski
Hypertherm, Inc.

How to Sell the Benefits of DFMA within your Organization
Kristen Zhivago
Zhivago Marketing Partners

Case Study of CAD -- a Lean Engineering Tool--Impacting Human Efficiency in the Design Engineering Process
Alfredo Herrera
The Boeing Company

Using Rapid Manufacturing to Achieve Design Innovation and Parts Consolidation
Jim Fendrick
EOS of North America

Lean Value Stream Costing
Nick Katco
BMA Inc.

The Big Picture: How DFMA fits with PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)
Douglas King
SME PLM Technical Group Chair
UniRac, Inc.

Designing Better Products
Kishore Boyalakuntla
SolidWorks Corporation

Survey Roundtable: The Power of DFMA to Reduce Operational Costs
Nick Dewhurst
Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

About Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc., was the first company to commercialize Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) methodologies and software tools, which make it possible to evaluate, estimate, and reduce the manufacturing cost of a product in the design phase through product simplification and cost estimation. Hundreds of Fortune 1000 companies, including Dell, John Deere, Harley-Davidson and Whirlpool, use DFMA to cut the costs of their manufactured products and achieve design innovation in their markets. The company was founded in 1983 and received the National Medal of Technology Award in 1991. For more information about DFMA software, workshops, consulting services, and international conferences, contact Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc., 138 Main Street, Wakefield, R.I. 02879, USA. Tel. (401) 783-5840. Fax (401) 783-6872. Web site: E-mail:

DFMA is a registered trademark of Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.


DFMA® Software and Services | Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.