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Miles Parker, Parker Group
+1 (401) 272-1510

Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc., Will Host 2005 International Forum on DFMA, June 21-22, in Providence, R.I.

Conference celebrates its twentieth year

Wakefield, R.I., USA, March 16, 2005 – Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.,  today announced it will host the twentieth-annual International Forum on Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA®), on June 21-22, 2005. The DFMA Forum will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Providence-Warwick, R.I., USA.

The International Forum on DFMA is the foremost conference worldwide on early design analysis methodologies and implementation. Conference papers will discuss specific product development programs and examine cost reductions and efficiency gains at some of the world’s leading manufacturing companies, such as ABB Automation Technologies, General Dynamics Corporation, ITT Industries, Raytheon Company, and Solectron Corporation, among others.

Experts in product design will discuss recent DFMA applications in detail and examine major issues for manufacturers, including design for assembly in contract manufacturing, tools for enabling design innovation, DFMA as an alternative to offshore manufacturing, cross functional change management, assembly system design, and early cost analysis in defense and aerospace design.

In addition to the papers, the 2005 Forum will feature a panel discussion on Wednesday, June 22, titled “Issues in Accounting for Product Cost.” Do current cost-estimating and accounting procedures effectively measure the true cost of product development and manufacturing? The panel will be made up of representative experts concerned with product development, project management, and accounting. The discussion will center on various issues associated with the actual cost of outsourcing, project cost management, and the relationship to purchasing practices.

The DFMA Forum is a valuable resource for everyone involved in the design-to-manufacturing process, including product designers, manufacturing engineers, automation specialists, and management, marketing, and purchasing personnel. More information is available at

2005 International Forum on DFMA – Scheduled Papers

Tuesday, June 21

Session I DFMA Applications
The DFMA Implementation Experience at Stryker Puerto Rico Ltd.
Stryker Puerto Rico Ltd
DFMA – Where Is the Defense and Aerospace Industry Heading?
Sypris Electronics, LLC
DFA at Symbol Technologies
Symbol Technologies
Session II Product Innovation
Rekindle Creativity – Managing Innovation and Design Teams
MDS Sciex
Mechanical Innovation and Design
UNC Charlotte
Innovative Designs: The Enabling Processes & Tools
Goldense Group, Inc.
Session III Product Development Practices
ITT's Product Development Process: Innovation to Production Planning
ITT Industries
Cross Functional Change Management
General Dynamics Amphibious Systems
Raytheon Six Sigma – Design for Six Sigma (DfSS), Our Vision!
Session IV Design for Assembly
Modular Product Verifications Based on Assembly Sequences
Dalarna University
Effective Assembly System Design by Using Results and Information from DFA Work
ABB Automation Technologies AB
Implementing a WW PCB DFA Process in Contract Manufacturing Environment
Solectron Corporation

Wednesday, June 22

Session V Product Cost Management
Bringing Manufacturing Back Home with DFMA
DFMA and Its Role in Cost Analysis
Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.
Session VI Panel Discussion
"Issues in Accounting for Product Cost"
Session VII Design for Manufacture
Manufacture of Bearing Shells
Total 2M Consultants
Towards Cost Effective Product Design for Assembly
National Technical University College, Malaysia

About Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc., is a winner of the 1991 National Medal of Technology Award, presented by President George H. Bush. Other recipients of the award have included William Gates of Microsoft Corp. and Robert Galvin of Motorola Inc. Boothroyd Dewhurst is dedicated to continually developing the DFMA knowledge base through its integrated software programs, workshops, consulting services, and international conferences. For more information, contact Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc., 138 Main Street, Wakefield, R.I. 02879, USA. Tel. (401) 783-5840. Fax (401) 783-6872. Web site: E-mail:

DFMA is a registered trademark of Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.


DFMA® Software and Services | Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.